The Orazinio Siege 

On the fringes of the Dagon-Mora system, there lies a planet of peace and prosperity; Orazinio. 

The siege for Orazinio is the key to the conquest of the entire Dagon-Mora system. If the attackers can overcome the defenders then the Planet will fall, and with it; the attackers will have free reign to any of the planets in the Dagon-Mora system.

Below is the account of the battles won and lost, from the tabletops of Strategic Painting.

The Armies


Dark Angels 


Blood Angels

Orazinio cannot fall, otherwise the entire Dagon-Mora system will.

-The Orazinio Siege-
Written by Croydon


Withering trees, ash and smoke were all that was left of  that night. The night that changed everything. A place so serene and tranquil, now overtaken with fear and destruction. Black smoke filled the air and the lungs of those who were unable to hang on to their own lives. Souls stripped down to nothingness within a split second - leaving no prisoners. This night was ever changing and death was beginning to claim them one by one.

Within the rubble they lay there lifeless, with no peace and prosperity that was once embedded into each and every mind. This ideology of faith, purity and belongingness had vanished, leaving nothing but an empty, unknowingness and dread to those who were unlucky enough to survive.

For it came that night. Death came. With no warrant or invitation; it came. And it left without a goodbye.

“It has begun” Alphelion disclaimed. And begun it sure had.

Planet: Orazinio

Orazinio, a planet with a liquid water ocean covering most of its surface, is a planet on the edge of the Dagon-Mora system and is currently aligned with a Blood Angels force. The Blood Angels were called to defend the Orazinians way of living; to save their peaceful and prosperous nature from the attacking siege that has been brought unwillingly to their planet.

In our Campaign our armies need to fight for dominance of resources and land to claim this planet for themselves!

Map of Terminus

Planetary Regions

Each region on Orazinio, has its own governing organisation and ruler. As a result the unity of the different regions sometimes gets called into question and the alliances that once were firm sometimes may not be honoured. However, that being said; each of the regions on Orazinio do all have a company of Blood Angels, who are willing to fight in defence of the region if needed.

Below is a map showing the current affiliations each region has, and this will be updated as our Campaign progresses, with victories and losses impacting each region! 

Map of Terminus

The Beginning of the End

Unbeknown to the peaceful population on Orazinio, there is massing a large force of Dark Angels who are preparing a full-scale onslaught to try and take control of this planet to claim its natural resource for themselves. The Dark Angels plan is to cut off all inter-planetary backup that the Orazinians may be able to call in, as such they have the planet surrounded, just out of reach of any detection from the planet below.

The Dark Angels first plan of attack is to invade the Zan-08 region as this has the most valuable resources; according to their planetary scans. From there they will endeavour to conquer each of teh neighbouring regions one by one.  

Map of Terminus


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