The Tale of (Three?!) Warlords

In the depths of the Warp, where reality is twisted and corrupted, a dark power stirred. The tides of Chaos had turned, and a daemonic uprising had begun to spill out into the material realm. Their goal was to bring about the end of all life, and plunge the galaxy into eternal darkness.

The Imperium of Man was quick to respond to this threat. The Grey Knights, the elite Space Marine Chapter whose duty it is to combat the forces of Chaos, were mobilized to face the daemonic hordes. The Grey Knights were a formidable force, their power armor inscribed with ancient runes of banishment, and their weapons imbued with the power of the Emperor himself.

The Grey Knights descended upon the world where the daemonic uprising had begun, an unassuming planet designated COMJAS-32. The Grey Knight ships dropped out of the Warp like meteors, furious and bright. As soon as they landed, they were set upon by the daemons, who sought to destroy them before they could banish them back to the Warp. The Grey Knights fought with a ferocity that was unmatched, their bolters barking and their swords flashing in the dim light of the Warp. But for every daemon they defeated, two more seemed to take its place.

It was then that the Grey Knights realized that they were fighting a losing battle. The daemons were too numerous, and they were manipulating the terrain against them. The Grey Knights fell back, regrouping to come up with a new strategy.

In that moment, the Grand Master of the Grey Knights, had a vision. In this vision, he saw the source of the daemonic uprising: a great portal, guarded by a powerful daemon prince. The Grand Master knew that if they could destroy this portal, they could stem the tide of daemons and bring an end to the uprising.

The Grey Knights rallied once more, their hearts filled with the Emperor's righteous fury. They fought their way through the daemonic horde, carving a path towards the portal. As they approached, they could feel the power of the Warp surging around them, threatening to overwhelm them with its dark energy.

But the Grey Knights were undaunted. They charged towards the portal, led by the Grand Master himself. The daemon prince, sensing their approach, emerged from the portal to meet them. He was a towering figure, wreathed in flame and bristling with wicked blades. But the Grey Knight knew no fear. He raised his sword, and with a shout of "For the Emperor!" charged towards the daemon prince.

The battle that followed was epic. The Grey Knights fought with a courage and skill that was unmatched, their swords flashing in the dark. The daemon prince was a formidable opponent, but the Grand Master was a master swordsman, and he fought with a grace that was almost supernatural. Blow after blow was exchanged, and it seemed as if the battle would go on forever.

But in the end, it was the Grey Knights who emerged victorious. The Grand Master plunged his sword into the heart of the daemon prince, and with a roar of rage, banished him back to the Warp. The portal flickered and then collapsed, its dark energy dissipating into the void.

The Grey Knights had won the day. They had defeated the daemonic uprising and saved countless lives. They had proven once again that they were the Emperor's chosen warriors, and that the forces of Chaos could not stand against their might.


In the Dagon-Mora System, upon a planet designated COMJAS-32, the Grey Knights have just concluded a gruelling campaign against a daemonic uprising that threatened a vital cornerstone of the Imperiums hold over the galaxy. No sooner had the evil been vanquished, the Grey Knights were under siege from an unexpected enemy.

COMJAS-32 is the battleground for the rise or fall of the Imperiums most elite defenders. 

No sooner had the daemonic uprising been obliterated, the sound of heavy machinery and orbital cannonfire fire filled the air as the Adeptus Mechanicus began their siege of the planet. 

The Grey Knights had been sent to rid the world from the dangers that lurked on its surface, but now they were facing a new threat - the relentless forces of the Adeptus Mechanicus. The Grey Knights had not prepared for this moment, but tried to rally in anger, knowing that their battle against the tech-priests would be a fierce one.

As the two armies clashed, explosions rocked the planet's surface, tearing apart the once-pristine landscape and mega-cities. The Grey Knights fought with valor and skill, their silver armor gleaming in the light of the raging battle. But despite their bravery, the Adeptus Mechanicus seemed to have an endless supply of troops, and their relentless advance seemed unstoppable.

Just as the situation looked dire for the Grey Knights, a strange presence was felt in the system. It was rumored amongst the more powerful psykers of the Grey Knights  that the Eldar were watching from afar, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Whether they were allies or enemies remained to be seen, but the Grey Knights knew that their arrival could tip the scales of the battle in their favor - or lead to their ultimate defeat. The air crackled with anticipation as the Grey Knights braced themselves for the arrival of the mysterious alien race.

The Armies


Grey Knights


Adeptus Mechanicus


Craftworlds and...

The battlefield that the Three Warlords will be battling over is:

Each of the armies will start with owning a territory to make the campaign easier, and we will be using a Planetary Empires board to keep track of progress! 

As you may notice, there are a couple of unique tiles as part of our map... more on that later! 

Each of the Warlords will be issued with a map of the planet each with strategic objective values for each sector tile. We will use the below style to show how the Warlords Empire's grow, as this is easier to follow than the small flags that are provided with the Planetary Empires kit. 

We still have yet to decide the starting points for each of the Warlords, we will be rolling this off soon to decide which Hive City Base belongs to each Warlord.


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