The Nexus of Maelstronar

A Collision of Powers

In the sector of the galaxy known as Draconis Verge, an eerie silence has settled. Seasoned veterans know that silence is not peace, but the prelude to a storm. 

Whispers speak of an ancient artefact, the Nexus Sigil, capable of turning the tide of war. 

On the inner world of Silentium, an ominous tolling has been heard. The astropaths hear only whispers, and the once-thriving world now sends no tithes, no communication, no distress calls. But darkness begets opportunity for both heretic and hero alike. 

The Draconis Verge is a sector where heroes rise, legends are forged, and the fate of countless lives will be determined. 

As warbands, legions, and fleets converge on this mysterious world, the battle for its secrets begins. Faith will be tested, alliances forged and shattered, and amidst the chaos, tales of valor and treachery will be written in blood. 

As the gears of war grind inexorably forward, where will you stand?  Choose your side, for there can be no true victors, only survivors. 

The battle for the Nexus Sigil begins, and with it, a campaign that will echo through the annals of history.


Welcome to the Nexus of Maelstronar Campaign.

-The Battle for Silentium-

The skies of Silentium were painted in tones of fiery orange and deep crimson, mirroring the escalating conflict on its surface. A battle of unprecedented scale and fury had begun, pitching the techno-religious might of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the towering Imperial Knights against the relentless wrath of the Khorne Daemonkin and the arcane powers of the Thousand Sons. Each side was fighting for dominance, for the destiny of a world that held secrets and assets that none were willing to cede.

Silentium, a once-obscure planet near the galactic centre of Maelstronar, had long been coveted by the Adeptus Mechanicus for its buried repositories of ancient tech. Discovering the presence of these treasures, the Forge World declared the planet a sacred site, dispatching armies of Skitarii and Titans to claim it. Yet, it wasn't just ancient machinery that was at stake. Whispered rumors spoke of artifacts that held the power to commune with the Machine God directly. If true, this would be an asset of incalculable value.

As if drawn by the planet’s latent energies, the bloodthirsty legions of Khorne and the psychic masters of the Thousand Sons also set their sights on Silentium. The Daemonkin, hungry for slaughter and skulls, and the Thousand Sons, always in pursuit of forbidden knowledge, saw the Mechanicus' discovery as an opportunity for their own gains. A chance for one to satiate their endless bloodlust and for the other to unlock the deepest mysteries of the Warp.

The first clash was as cataclysmic as it was brutal. Where the Imperial Knights lumbered forward like ancient gods of war, the Khorne Daemonkin met them with unbridled fury, bloodletters and daemons surging forth with rabid intent. The Thousand Sons, in their azure armor, weaved warp-spawned spells and incantations, disrupting the Mechanicus' lines and sowing chaos in their ranks. But the Mechanicus and Knights were no easy prey; their faith in the Omnissiah and sheer firepower held firm against the daemon onslaught.

Yet, just when the battle seemed to reach its peak, the wailing screams of the Webway tore through the very fabric of reality. Emerging from these shimmering portals, the enigmatic Eldar arrived, bringing with them the ghostly might of their Wraith-constructs and the awe-inspiring power of their Titans. Their intentions were unknown, their allegiances unclear, but one thing was certain: Silentium was no longer just a battleground—it was the nexus of a cosmic struggle that would reshape the destiny of the galaxy.

Planet: Silentium

Several months ago, all communications from Silentium ceased. Not a single vox transmission nor an astropathic whisper. The vast interstellar network was bereft of any signs of life from the once bustling planet. All, that is, save for one.

A deep, resonant tolling signal, regular and unending, emanates from the planet's surface. This low-frequency sound, just on the cusp of human hearing, reverberates through the void of space, haunting the nightmares of psykers and drowning out the din of the Warp.

Expeditions sent to investigate the planet's silence have never returned. Their final transmissions are always the same: garbled vox recordings overshadowed by that same ominous tolling. 

Many believe this sound to be a distress call, while others speculate it's a warning. Yet there are those who whisper of darker theories - that it is the heartbeat of a new, malevolent entity, or perhaps a signal heralding the end of days.

Map of Terminus

From the Abyss they arise, a single soul ablaze, a galaxy's fate clenched in a vengeful fist.

The Armies


Craftworlds (Xenos)

Steady Painting

Craftworlds (Xenos)


Adeptus Mechanicus (Imperium)


Imperial Knights (Imperium)

The Jarl

Khorne Daemonkin (Chaos)


Thousand Sons (Chaos)

Planetary Regions

Each region on Silentium, has its own tile to represent the wealth of resources available . Our campaigners must fulfil their duty of building their force up, or miss out on the potential to expand and claim more territory!

Below is a map showing the layout of the tiles that can be fought over, with each team choosing a starting point that will best represent their faction.

Map of Terminus

Chapter I: The Dance of Destiny

With the Eldar's dramatic arrival, the sands of Silentium shifted once more. As if mocking the laws of physics, their sleek and ethereal Titans glided onto the battlefield, casting great looming shadows over the already tattered forces of the Mechanicus, Daemonkin, and Thousand Sons. The Eldar's Wraith-constructs, spirits of fallen warriors bound into towering constructs of wraithbone, marched alongside them, their hollow eyes burning with a purpose that transcended mere survival.

In the swirling dust and smoke, the sharp-eyed among the human and daemon forces noticed the sigils of multiple Craftworlds on the Eldar banners. It was a rare sight indeed—multiple factions of the Eldar, often rife with their own internal disputes, uniting for a common cause. This begged the question: what could Silentium possibly contain that warranted such a unified front?

As the Eldar seers directed their forces, it became evident that they were not just here for outright domination. Instead, they sought something specific—something buried deep within Silentium’s crust. Perhaps it was an artifact, or maybe it was a connection to the ancient Aeldari myth cycles. Whatever it was, the Farseers' determination to reach it was palpable.

While the Imperial Knights and Skitarii regrouped, adjusting their battle lines in response to this new player, the Khorne Daemonkin, fueled by rage and bloodlust, charged headlong at the Eldar. The ground trembled as Bloodthirsters and Wraithknights clashed in titanic melee, each blow echoing like thunder across the landscape.

The Thousand Sons, always the schemers, hung back momentarily. Ahriman, the arch-sorcerer and their de facto leader, sought to exploit the Eldar's arrival. His psychic energies swirled around him as he communed with the daemons of the Warp, plotting a grand spell that might use the Eldar's sudden appearance to his advantage.

Yet, amidst the chaos, the Adeptus Mechanicus saw an opportunity. With their foes distracted, they began a series of rapid excavation efforts, drilling down into the heart of Silentium, desperate to unearth its mysteries before anyone else.

The Eldar, sensing this urgency, began to split their forces. Some defended against the brutal assaults of the Daemonkin, while others sped toward the drilling sites. With psychic shrieks and bursts of shuriken fire, they began to assail the Mechanicus' dig sites, attempting to halt their progress.

For days, the battle raged. The once serene landscapes of Silentium were scarred and broken, transformed into a nightmarish tableau of war. And as the Eldar's true intent started to become clear, alliances shifted, and strategies changed.

It was not mere technology or power the Eldar sought, but a connection to their shattered past. Deep within Silentium, whispered tales spoke of an ancient Webway gate, one of the original passages that had been lost to the annals of time. This gate, if reactivated, could bypass known routes, connecting distant parts of the galaxy in ways long forgotten. For the Eldar, the ability to access such a gate was paramount; it could lead them to lost Craftworlds, secret enclaves of their kin, or even forgotten repositories of their history and culture.

The Webway, a labyrinthine network of tunnels and paths through the Warp, had been the Eldar's primary means of travel before their empire's cataclysmic fall. With many gates destroyed or sealed off due to daemonic incursions, entire segments of their once vast empire had become isolated. Reclaiming this lost gate could mean a renaissance for the dwindling Eldar race.

However, this was not a secret they could keep for long. The Thousand Sons, with their profound psychic capabilities, soon discerned the true nature of the Eldar's quest. The Webway's potential was not lost on Ahriman, who saw it as a chance to explore forbidden pathways of the Warp without the perils of navigating its tumultuous seas. Such an advantage could aid his eternal quest to unlock the Black Library and access the sum of all Aeldari knowledge.

The Adeptus Mechanicus, although initially focused on the technological treasures of Silentium, could not ignore the implications of an operational Webway gate. To them, it represented an apotheosis of travel and communication technology. If they could study, or better yet, replicate it, the Imperium would possess a significant advantage in their ceaseless wars.

The battle thus intensified, with each faction realizing the unparalleled potential of the prize. The Khorne Daemonkin, although less interested in the intricacies of the Webway, saw its reclamation as an affront to their Blood God and an opportunity for an even grander slaughter.

Under the crimson skies, the Wraith-constructs danced a deadly ballet with the Daemonkin, while Eldar Warlocks and Thousand Sons sorcerers engaged in psychic duels that tore at the very fabric of reality. The Imperial Knights, with their majestic might, stomped through the battlefield, their cannons echoing the roars of war.

But amidst this chaos, an unexpected moment arose. Eldar Farseers and Mechanicus Tech-Priests, usually at odds, found a brief window of parley. Recognizing the cataclysmic consequences if the gate fell into the wrong hands, they discussed a temporary alliance. After all, there were greater threats in the galaxy than each other.

As the two ancient races, one of spirit and one of machine, tentatively joined forces, the tides of the war began to shift. But the outcome was still uncertain, for the ambitions and powers at play were beyond comprehension. The fate of Silentium, and potentially the galaxy, hung in balance.

Map of Terminus


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